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Planned activities

1.    Kick-off meeting in Sarajevo, BiH (09.12 – 12.12.2019) realised

–        Ratification of Partnership Agreement

–        Definition of administrative, logistical and bureaucratic project details

–        Planning project execution (with a specific focus on elaborating project Research Plan)

–        Approval of the Project Management Plan (PMP), Evaluation Plan and Dissemination Plan

2.   TC in Sassari, Italy (26.07 – 02.08.2021) 

–        Ice Breaking and Teambuilding Activities

–        Introduction to the topic of media bias on migrants/refugees as well as on its impact on youngsters and on society

–        Introduction to the migration/refugee a challenge in partner countries

–        Exploring the dynamics and mechanisms of media stereotyping, with a specific focus on migrants and refugees

–        Sharing national good practices of youth NGO action to promote media literacy among the youth with concern to migrant/refugee topics and mass media

–        Brainstorming and reflecting on the gap between needs and existing offer

–        SWOT analysis on young people and NGOs as catalysts of societal awareness for positive change in media in relation to migration and refugees

–        Study visit (a concrete example of NGO using non-formal learning to promote media literacy of the youth)

–     Development of original tools of non-formal education regarding media literacy and migration/refugee issues. The tools will be proposed to the young people participating in the Youth Exchange

–        Evaluation of the Training Course and introduction to Seminar and Social Campaign (upcoming project stages)

3.   YE in Sarajevo, BiH (23.09 – 30.09.2021)

–        Ice Breaking and Teambuilding activities

–        Introducing the concept of media bias in relation to migrants and refugees

–       Sharing the contexts of media bias and stereotyping on migrants and refugees in participants’ own communities (presentations will be the outcome of a research work to be carried out by participants as a preparation to the YE)

–        Supported reflection on the role of media in shaping societal perceptions on fragile groups, with a particular focus on migrants and refugees

–        Testing of NFE tools on media literacy and migration/refugee topics produced by youth workers in the Training Course

–        Tools and concepts of Social Campaigning

–      SWOT Analysis on Social Campaigning as an approach to foster general awareness on the role of media in migrant/refugee integration in partner countries

–        Study visit to local NGO working in contrasting media stereotyping of migrants and refugees

–        Evaluation of the Youth Exchange and introduction to Seminar and Social Campaign

4.   Mid-term evaluation meeting in Bar, Montenegro (05.11 – 08.11.2021) 

–        Intermediate Evaluation Report to be presented by the applicant organization for discussion and approval

–        Discussion of the status of the project Dissemination in each partner country

–        Preparation of upcoming international Seminar

5.   Seminar in Sarajevo, BiH (21.01 – 24.01.2022) 

–        Ice Breaking and Teambuilding activities

–        Summarizing the educational achievements of the programme from the perspectives of youth operators and of young people

–     SWOT Analysis on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for project Social Campaign in view of the concrete the interplay between the project and local/national realities during the period of implementation

–        Introduction to co-design processes and techniques

–        Team-work sessions in mixed national groups aimed at producing an outline of Social Campaign

–        Evaluation of the Seminar and introduction to project Guidebook

–        Dividing responsibilities and tasks for the Social Campaign

6.   The final meeting in Sinop, Turkey (31.03. – 04.04.2022)

–        Final Evaluation of the project (discussing and approving Final Evaluation Report produced by the applicant organization)

–        Discussion and approval of the project Sustainability Plan on a proposal of the partner Mine Vaganti NGO

–        Elaboration of ideas for project follow-up at the local and international level