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Three wonderful members of Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities Amina Skejić, Mehmed Spahić and Ajla Aljović held a workshop on the topic of fake news and false information in the 3A class of the Richmond Park International Secondary School.

BRAVO members presented the SLAM project, its goals and manual. After that, students had to read a story by themselves and “give grades” to characters. Then, the groups of five students were created and this time every group had a task to give grades from one to five to the characters. After that group, three even higher groups were created and they gave their grades too.

Finally, all of the groups presented grades and opinions. As the class consists of students from Hungary, China, Turkiye, and different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, different perspectives and opinions could be heard.

BRAVO members were really satisfied with students’ active participation and happy that they loved the workshop. Students’ smiles during and upon the completion the workshop are the best comment we could get.

Once again, thanks to the staff and students of Richmond Park International Secondary School.