Following survey is created as a part of the international “Structured Awareness in Media” project or more often referred to as: “SLAM”. In Bosnia and Herzegovina project implementation is handled by the Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO) in cooperation with its 6 international partners and throughout the support of Erasmus +.
Basic aim is to tackle the topics of digital media usage, focusing on its constantly growing influence; freedom of speech and journalism with truly understanding the underlying meaning behind such terms and finally – what role active and aware youth carries in recognizing importance of inclusivity.
Emphasis is especially on the currently heavily discussed groups of refugees and migrants and their undeniable presence within people’s lives. Our everyday behaviors and perceptions inevitably shape the society we live in and understanding them is the only way to gain power for righteously managing change.
By participating in this survey You are recognizing your part in the ongoing societal evolution, and simultaneously providing us a strong platform to spread much needed awareness.
When offering anonymity we seek honesty in order to leverage its power, both initially with problem recognition and further on when devising strategy for the better. Society and its ever changing nature is not something abstract and beyond our control, but quite the opposite – it is more a culmination of numerous individual reactions eventually becoming group drivers.
So how do You choose to react now, knowing the power that lies behind one’s voice? And even more knowing that those we think the least about, are so often affected the most.