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Bulgarian Sports Development Association held a meeting with local non-governmental organizations on March 19, 2022, at the Klisura Monastery “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, during which the project “Structured Learning for Awareness in Media” was presented, which explores the similarities, differences and potential synthesis between different, but the interrelated challenges facing the countries of the Western Balkans and Europe, in international efforts to lay the foundations for greater media literacy and critical thinking at the level of young people and society as a whole as a means of ensuring counteracting the phenomena of hate speech and a building block of successful integration processes.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Sunday School at the Church of the Nativity of Christ. Mladost 3, BG and Sports for All, the Association of Bulgarians with Asthma, Allergies and COPD (ABBA), who received a copy of the guide which explains the ways of combating fake news, and they appreciated the highly developed training materials that can be used to work with young people to raise awareness of young people about fake news.