If you wondered what was going on with our #SLAM project after our #supercool training in Sarajevo, we are bringing you an update! Partners are currently staying in Niksic, Montenegro for MIDTERM EVALUATION MEETING as a part of #SLAM project.

What does it exactly mean? Well, it means that partners are having a meeting (BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, Mladiinfo Montenegro , KOM 018 – Club for Youth Empowerment 018 / Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018, Mine Vaganti NGO, Асоциация за развитие на българския спорт /АРБС/, Youth for Social Changes Albania, and EPEKA Turkey) to check what they have done so far and what we’ll do in the upcoming period – and we are bringing you some really cool things!

#SLAM is all about raising awareness on fake news and fake media delivering it to public – we are all facing it even without being aware. We want to get people talking about it, discussing it and making their own opinion.

Day 2 of #SLAM midterm evaluation meeting brings you some really cool things in the next few months. Amazing project partners will do the same in their countries with their young people who will have a chance to extend their knowledge on #fakenews and #FAKEMEDIA delivering that news. We created our calendar, so stay tuned for new activities!