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We are immensely proud to share another beautiful story that was written by volunteers of our partner organization from Albania, Youth for Social Changes. This time, the word is about visits to two secondary schools in Tirana.

As a part of dissemination activities for the project Structured Learning for Awareness in Media – SLAM, three incredible guys, Andon Kello, Denis Dema and Marin Gjoka did informing sessions about the project, its aim, activities, fake news, differences among the terms disinformation, misinformation, false information, and much more.

They explained what fake news is, how it is made and why it is so popular. Also, these young educators answered the question how and why fake news causes harm to people, companies or countries.

Next was a discussion on how to distinguish fake news from a real one, what to do to prevent fake news from happening. SLAM manual was also presented.

YSC’s Volunteers were very surprised to see that young people are aware of media and fake news. Every single of them enjoyed these sessions because of interactivity and positive atmosphere.